(PLEASE NOTE: this website is now an archive of a ten year public art project that engaged and made the day better for over 4,000 people. My full art and project site is www.rachelcyreneblackman.com.)
How is the social practice art of the Free Pass Project related to any genre, or work, I’ve done before? All or nothing. The intent of the empowerment, inclusion and interactivity of the Free Pass Project is in my DNA. I moved a great deal as a kid, across vastly different cultural, geographic and socio economic regions in the States. I had to continually sift through a lot of difference, and being different. On a pretty deep level, to keep my inner and outer worlds steady, I learned to really see, and try to listen to, the person before me as an individual. The base survival mode was not to be a chameleon in each environment, but to get to what we have in common a whole lot faster than what may be, or is perceived as, different.
Compassion has always been the first, best, step, for me to take. Connection. Magazine article about the this public art project…
My BA is in music composition with secondary studies in arts administration. My MFA is in music composition and writing. As a studio artist, I currently work in photography, original poster creation, and writing. Most of my work is somehow about language. My public art projects prompt the same from you.
Please visit the site with all my art in many mediums, including the Free Pass Proect.
There are optional ways to support my continued work for as little as $1.00 a day, to $100.00 a month. And everywhere in between.
Fractured Atlas – Patreon – Venmo
Fractured Atlas contributions can be tax deductible. Patreon provides unique content to patrons once at least five patrons are active. Venmo (via the Florence Poetry Carnival) is unrestricted and probably easiest for us both.