Last year, I found myself in tears on a grassy hill on the Carnegie Mellon campus, attempting to make it through the final morning of the Open Engagement conference. I believe it was you, Rachel, who approached me. You provided me with every sort of support and reflection I needed in that moment, as I faced all the fears and unknowns that ensued after learning my four year old nephew was not waking up in the hospital after having a major seizure. While I was away from home and out of touch. You gave me the Free Pass so I could utilize it on my rush home that day, on busses and through terminals and in a plane. When I got on a bus and lacked the fare, I clung to the Free Pass. While I sobbed on the place I felt my pulse against the token. Over the next year (plus some), as I struggled through various processes, and as we learned of my nephews diagnosis while watching his recovery, I carried the Free Pass in my pocket or left it on my desk, using it and needing it for the reassurance it provided me: that kindness is always an option and a potential. That everyone needs it at different moments, and that I can provide it. That sometimes I need to provide it to myself. Just a few weeks ago, I finally reached a point where I felt I could pass it on. I mailed it to someone who needed the same affirmations, an individual whom I had long been disconnected from. Their appreciation knew no words. … [Read more...]
Today I received a free pass token. I got back home and I continued my stressful day. I stripped the bed because my cats had peed on it and worried about my wierd new roommate. I sat down at my computer and was worried about my job and my future. Soon I laid on my unmade bed and took out the token. My cat saw it and started pawing at it while it was in my fingers and then I realized that this was the perfect thing to do, play with my cat and the free pass token. This was what I needed. Thank you Free Pass. … [Read more...]
“What’s that Free Pass for?” I’m sitting at a bar, with an agenda in mind, and the recipient of my eventual inquiries beat me to the punch. Gone was the cascade of cool that was supposed to happen as the crunch of the first half of the football game faded, and suddenly I was up. I was supposed to deliver the Free Pass as an invitation to a Pecha Kucha Q & A I was conducting for the coming month’s presentation, wielding it as the cherry on top of my cool. Stammering, I awkwarded out:“It’s for you. It’s a piece of Socially Engaged Art. It’s kind of up to you. It’s a Free Pass to anything. If you throw it in your back pocket, it will make your life better.” I flipped it over to save myself, following the prompts towards further face saving. “Use It. Give It. It’s an opportunity for a conversation. It’s also about compassion. My friend made it by hand. It’s pretty bulletproof, which is kind of a tough pain-in-the-ass thing to do.” Between the small responses of inquiry in her whip smart tone, I could energetically tell it was okay to segue to my original purpose. I asked her if she had ever heard of Pecha Kucha, and if she might be interested in being interviewed by me. Being an ongoing conversation of yes, I slid my pad and paper towards her. “You did all this just to get my number?” In a way, I had. I was back in the bar because earlier as I sat jamming a pound of fried chicken into my face before I went to train my client, she walked in and took the air out of the … [Read more...]
Token #331 My free pass was given to me by my cousin who visited from the East coast. It was given because of the situation my family has found itself in. My mother has been diagnosed with ALS, and I, her 21 year old daughter, am her caregiver. I left my senior year of school to move home and take care of my parents (my father is also elderly) and my mother is declining very quickly. I know very few people in this town, and am going through a turbulent and heart breaking chapter of life, watching my mom decline. Gratefulness has enabled mom and I to see the best in the time we have left, enjoying each day and dwelling on what we have, not what we don't (or won't). Because of active gratitude, my mom is able to inspire those around her and those who read her blog to pursue this positive, mindful way of life. One does not need to be on death's doorstep to see the beauty in the everyday, and the sacredness of friendship and family. When you're feeling down, just remember that in everything and everyone there is something to appreciate. If my almost paralyzed mom can be happy, so can you! (And me.) … [Read more...]
“I obtained a bunch of tokens and did random drops in the Washington DC area while on a trip. I am shy and random drops are the easiest way for me to distribute them. I enjoyed leaving them on subway platforms, on park benches, and in my hotel room for the next guest.” Emily B. … [Read more...]
“I’d left a newspaper and bagged cookie on an outdoor cafe table to save the seat while I went back to get my coffee. When I came back, a woman and her teen age daughter were seated at the table. It wasn’t really clear that it was a ‘save my table’ centerpiece I’d left. She apologized. I suggested we just share the table as I didn’t need the whole space – and it seemed like a nice a opportunity and kind thing to do. She extended her hand and introduced herself and her daughter. We chatted some here and there, but mostly kept to ourselves. When I was leaving I offered her a free pass token for our very, very minor mishap. She appreciated it, so another small conversation started and I learned she was a high school math teacher. She said she’d probably bring it in to school. That is the second time I’ve learned someone was a HS teacher just through a free pass conversation. They need them.” R, Providence, RI … [Read more...]
Pittsburgh, PA … [Read more...]
I gave a free pass token to a waitress last night because we got to the restaurant sort of near closing time. We were very, very hungry and tired. She was very kind and patient as other workers began their tasks of cleaning and such for closing time. She was wonderfully excited and enthusiastic to get a free pass – and it felt really good to give it to her as an extra gesture of appreciation. It was sort of a free pass for how she gracefully managed the pace of the kitchen service because they were wrapping up for the day. It was of wonderful how quickly she got the concept, how much she appreciated it, and her immediate ideas of things she might need it for. We both felt so happy in the offering and receiving a free pass moment. to close out a long day. … [Read more...]
How and where did your free pass token land in your hands? I was at the opening reception for Open Engagement Conference and I told a woman about how nervous I was for my presentation. She then offered me a free pass. I slept with it under my pillow. What is the story of your free pass? how was it needed/used? It is not used yet, but depending on how I present tomorrow, I might use it. Have you passed it on, yet? No not yet Rudy … [Read more...]
How and where did your free pass token land in your hands? Found it just last night, in a pile of free stuff left by the sidewalk near the New Seasons-7 Corners grocery store in Portland, Oregon. Probably left behind by someone moving out. What is the story of your free pass? how was it needed/used? I just discovered this site and this art project through the chance finding last night. Have you passed it on, yet? Have not passed it on yet. Lynx636 … [Read more...]