It is amazing the breadth of your participation experiences ‘free passing’ with The Free Pass Project-this creative experiment of enacting spontaneous compassion.
“Outstanding Free Pass moment tonight with a young waitress. Showed a token to her and asked if she needed a free pass. She ‘got it’ right away – and snatched it up. If I got the story right, she gave up booze for Lent and had slipped after a job interview. Put it right in her pocket.” Providence, R.I.
“I am keeping a free pass token in my pocket while going through some issues with an HR department as a reminder that the interactions do not have to go perfectly.” Houston, TX
“Last night I went to a Crepe making class with one of the ladies at the slumber party who I had given a Free Pass to. She didn’t really get the idea at the time. Next day, she said, ” You know what… I used your chip the other day.” I said “really?” She said “yes“. One of her sons close, close friends is in a tough situation, about 17 years old maybe. This kid had become part of the family. My friend pulled her aside, gave her the chip and said “If you ever need anything, to talk to anyone, anything at all… here is your free pass, I’m here for you, come talk to me.” Atlanta, Georgia
“Tonight I gave a Free Pass in real time. This guy was talking with his buddy while they were walking to the car. He was recounting how at a gas station he had let a minor altercation pass vs. confrontation. He was still pretty steamed. After they got in the car, I gestured, he rolled the window down, and I said it sounded like he had just given someone a free pass – so I handed him a token. He restated how pissed he had been, and that moving along from the situation was the kind of thing he’s learning how to do.” Providence, RI
“Tonight I went to a Michael’s store . The lady I chatted with was very patient, interested, problem solve-y and helpful. I gave her a Free Pass for that. She then reached into her pocket and gave me a glow in the dark rock that looks like a jelly bean, because a bag had recently burst. Maybe the free pass goes all the way back to the person who broke the bag…” Seekonk, MA
“Visiting a park in Brooklyn last weekend in early evening–left a free pass on the edge of a bench for the night visitors to the park; teens in black hoodies, drunken, homeless Poles, and the occasional hipster passing through on his smartphone.” Brooklyn, NY
“Sitting across from us at that table, were two young Moms with very new babies. Every mom needs a pass once or twice a day, but a new Mom certainly could use more. They received free pass tokens with smiles, chuckles and in full agreement that they certainly could use a free pass! One Mom commented she and her baby would be passing it back and forth. Later on the street, passing one of the Moms she smiled a greeting.” Providence, RI
“A friend is holding a free pass token to give to another when the dust finally settles.” Cambridge, MA
“Left one in a really cool phone booth today” Rochester NY
“Just gave one to a waitress who pitched in the eleven cents I was short for my cup of coffee. “Ooooooh!” she said and smiled.” Providence, RI
“Today was just a small, simple, Free Pass moment by leaving a token on a path in the park, and having it gone when I walked back. Even that part is rewarding and meaningful. Mindfulness and energy are involved. A small story gets born.” Providence, RI
“Gave some so people, others I left on the seat on the bus and T-Rail. Keeping five for myself to give out as come what may.” Pittsburgh, PA.
“I went to work feeling kind of sad and frustrated, an envelope with my name on it and free pass tokens inside totally changed my day. I ended up giving a token to a co-worker who was very cranky. I still have my original token I rub it when I am feeling like a need a free pass to just let it go.” Massachusetts
“1st free pass given to my buddy Chris for enduring her current situation with grace. There was a moment of silence and then a smile.” San Francisco, CA.
“I did a random Free Pass token drop into someone’s grocery bag.” Atlanta, GA.
Part One:
”This weekend on a little road trip, I had Free Pass tokens in the coin pocket in my car. Stopping at toll booths I asked the booth workers if people ever came through who were crabby, or they could just tell were having a bad day. The booth guys of course said ‘yes’. So I gave them Free Pass tokens they might pass along. Both guys were sorta burly and gruff…but they absolutely lit up, smiled and laughed. And then said, ‘thank you.'”
Part Two: ”Perfect cycle of Free Pass-ing yesterday. I often stop to chat with a toll booth attendant if the line behind me is not long – I ask how their day is going, offer them a free pass token. I inquired with a guy yesterday, (who looked a great deal like Wilfred Brimley), how things were going – ‘not so great’. I offered him a free pass. ’Someone gave me one of these already – you gave me one.’ ’ I did?!? What did you do with it?’ ’I gave it to someone who did not have enough money.’ We were both so happy about the whole free pass cycle. Delighted. Massachusetts Turnpike
“I gave one to a customer at work going through a break up.” Rhode Island
“I gave two to friends who very kindly hosted me when I needed somewhere to crash after a very long and draining day.” Cincinnati, OH
“I gave a Free Pass to a client who was struggling and gave her a few more to pass to family members that are troubling her. I’m going to introduce the Free Pass project to those who are self-deprecating.” Rhode Island
“Got my free passes last night in the mail and gave one out (lucky “coincidence” as she was walking in the building as I walked out) to a woman in the X-ray office who several weeks ago had not been thrilled to fit me in for a last minute X-ray but did anyhow – seemed like she could use a free pass. Left this other as a random drop outside” Arlington, MA
“I know I’m going to need more tokens, since I know a lot of people who need them. They are mostly women, who struggle to do their best, are hard on themselves, and are not getting any gratitude, appreciation or validation of their courageous efforts!” San Jose, CA
“Just found a random Free Pass in Central Square, Cambridge MA. Glanced briefly and almost walked by. . . then I realized it was just what I needed and so do many!” Cambridge, MA
“Today I gave myself a free pass after listening to a bunch of Ted Talks about love. Lots of new neuroscience on the subject. Nothing like a bunch of conflicting scientific studies to cheer you up.” Providence, RI.
“I actually started passing free pass tokens out this week. The first person I gave it to was at first a little confused till I explained to her what it was at which point she burst into tears and told me it was just what she needed right now. She told me she would hold it and use it at the perfect time for her and that she already had someone in mind to pass it along to.” Providence, RI.”
“A pet shop owner got one to give to the next customer whose dog might accidentally pee in the store. ” Salem, MA
“Gave a free pass to the very nice person who helped with my oil change today. Look of fascination and absorption in response.” Cincinnati, OH.
“I gave one to a lady at the bank, but I gave it to her to use in case she had another customer like me….I had opened an account online, so there was no photo ID for me or signature on my account, so when I tried to withdraw money they asked for my driver’s license – which I had left in my other coat pocket when we went skiing, and only just realized at that moment. So I whipped out my Costco card with an old photo of me, opened up my FB account on my phone to show her my photo, and recited my social security number so she’d know it was me. Very funny little routine. Then I gave her a Free Pass, and said “Really, I should be getting this…but please pass it on to the next person who needs it.” Northampton, MA
“I gave one to my 9-year-old daughter (with an explanation) and started her thinking; I’m waiting to see where she goes with it before I post anything. I also gave one to her teacher. She seemed to be thrilled with it; I got a very enthusiastic thank-you email from her. One was given to my sister (if anyone could use it, she could), and the other I was going to leave out in public and take a picture of where I left it. I have not yet used one myself.” Mansfield, MA
“Gave one to a friend who fell asleep at dinner with us. A married couple who have twin boys. And she’s a high school teacher. She was exhausted, and fell asleep at the table sitting up during dessert. “Northampton, MA.
“The second one I had I gave to a musician that was playing at an Asian restaurant. Some drunk ass idiot was playing drums with his chopsticks through the entire set. Then the last song, his drunk ass girlfriend (who can’t sing) got on the mike and totally killed the last song. (it was really awful because Sonny was doing and over the top wonderful rendition of “Killing Me Softly” He came over to my table later to hang and talk. He was apologizing. I had just gotten your package of free passes. I handed him one and I said… “don’t sweat the small stuff dude, you’re playing a rinky dink restaurant in Woodstock. Nobody is going to remember 2 days from now.” Georgia
“Just threw a FP token over the porch to a UPS driver running up and then down my hill because he’d missed a stop. ”You feel like you need a free pass, for that…you did the best you could…?” ”Sort of…” Pitch the token ”Cool, I’ll take it!” Two happier people.” Providence, RI
“Some confusion and miscommunication at a coffee shop having a Free Pass token jar on their counter. It was a resounding yes…just never followed up on. The asst. manager took one right out of the jar and said, ‘this is for us – communication here can be like that game ‘telephone.’ Perfect.” Providence, RI
“I handed out my first Free Pass token today to a friend who was having a hard day.” Cranston, RI
“Got a Free Pass token delivery today: first one went to my husband (who deserves a million) and left the second at Esh Circus Arts after class!” Somerville, MA
“The longer you hold on to it (free pass token), the more it spreads.” Post Office Clerk
“Gave one to the guy answering the same question 6,000 times at a Charlie ticket machine at North Station. He was not someone you might normally notice, or even talk much to. I gave it to him to give to a ticked off customer – he said he’d need more than one for sure.” Boston, MA
“Sitting next to a stranger on a bench in Harvard Sq. Asked her about the general phrase, ‘free pass’…was it familiar. I handed here a free pass token and said, ‘you never know when you might need one.’ She simply said, ‘Good point’ . Cambridge, MA
“I walked into a Cumberland Farms tonight – a white co-worker was saying to the kid at the register, ‘I’m not a racist, I have four black tires and a color TV.’ My own reaction was pretty strong. The white kid went to the back of the store. I asked the kid at the counter if he wanted me to stick around. ‘It’s alright, we joke with each other, all the time’ – in a no other thing to say, way. No win. I gave him a free pass token and said, ‘you get to decide whether to give him one for that shit, or not.’ ” Providence, RI
“I did a random drop at South Station on a lobby table and stepped away to see what might happen. A janitor went by and examined them carefully, and put one in his jacket pocket. He took a few steps, took it out of his jacket pocket, reexamined it, then put it in his pants pocket. It was sort of delightful seeing him commit on some level.” Boston, MA
‘The dogs have caught wind of the free pass project. Kyla asked for one today when I tried to get her back on the leash. This could get ugly.’ Providence, Rhode Island