Token #331
My free pass was given to me by my cousin who visited from the East coast. It was given because of the situation my family has found itself in. My mother has been diagnosed with ALS, and I, her 21 year old daughter, am her caregiver. I left my senior year of school to move home and take care of my parents (my father is also elderly) and my mother is declining very quickly. I know very few people in this town, and am going through a turbulent and heart breaking chapter of life, watching my mom decline. Gratefulness has enabled mom and I to see the best in the time we have left, enjoying each day and dwelling on what we have, not what we don’t (or won’t). Because of active gratitude, my mom is able to inspire those around her and those who read her blog to pursue this positive, mindful way of life. One does not need to be on death’s doorstep to see the beauty in the everyday, and the sacredness of friendship and family. When you’re feeling down, just remember that in everything and everyone there is something to appreciate. If my almost paralyzed mom can be happy, so can you! (And me.)